Happy Landing on My Blog about Culture and Casino!

Monte CarloI am Dorian (but not Gray), hailing from Manchester. I am 21 and I love several things in life. None of them goes well with the others. That’s why I have many blogs and maintain a number of personae on social media. Thank God for Internet anonymity! Clouding the sky rocks even when not done with style.

You’ve come here to check out what I’m all about. I wish I could tell you. I’ll leave my blog to speak for me. What I definitely need to do is try and keep the posts here within the same chain of topics. Often, I have a hard time doing that and it was the reason I made all the different accounts. Let me make it clear: the Dorian of this space is fascinated with culture and casino, two C’s of controversial character (another two C’s – where do I get all these?). I major Cultural Studies, with Cinema as my second major. That explains my interests to a certain degree. Casino entered my life quite naturally when I travelled to Monte Carlo with my classmates in the summer after our freshman year at college. We wanted to see this world of glamour for grown-ups. It is glamourous for real, and I’m not much of a gambler, so I enjoyed it a lot. For our Cinema classes, I and another student were involved in a project about Representation of Casino in Films where I learned many inside facts and looked behind the scenes of popular European and Hollywood productions. I think this blog will be a nice place to showcase both my work and some personal notes on the subject. You shouldn’t expect to see here the final projects I write for school, but primarily the drafts and process notes or the most curious facts I encounter while researching my various topics.

What else? I plan to update the blog often but make no promises in that respect. You may follow or bookmark the site and come back as often as you like to check my newest articles.